First (1st) National Bank of South Florida Online Banking


First (1st) National Bank of South Florida is a financial organization that has been serving it’s customers since 1932. They have seven conveniently located branches in the South Florida area. 1st National’s mission is to provide all banking needs to it’s community and focus on meeting the consumer’s expectations. On the bank’s website is an “Online Banking” feature that is secure and easy.

Official Website:

Bank Customer Service Telephone:

  • 305-247-5541

Bank Routing Number:

  • 067005145

Bank Swift Number:

  • FNSMUS41

Online Banking Mobile Apps:

  • No Mobile Apps Available

Branch Locator:

First (1st) National Bank of South Florida Online Banking Login


Step 1 – Click the Sign In tab on the First (1st) National Bank of South Florida’s homepage.


Step 2 – Under the “REGISTERED INTERNET BANKING USER” section, click the Login tab.


Step 3 – You will then be asked to input your Username and a Random Code. Enter the information and click Next to continue the process.


Forgot Username/Password – If Username or Password can’t be remembered, you must contact the bank (800-611-8073) by phone and they can reset your session.


Step 1 – Go to the First (1st) National Bank of South Florida’s Enrollment Page by clicking “Online Banking Application” on the main webpage. You will then be provided with an application that requires you to fill out information about your account. The sections include:

  • Choose One
  • Primary Account Holder Information
  • Account Selection
  • eStatements
  • eStatement Authorization
  • Bill Pay

Once all sections have been completed, click Submit.