Bank of Ireland Online Banking


The Bank of Ireland  is a commercial bank operation in Ireland and one of the traditional ‘Big Four’ Irish banks. Historically the premier banking organisation in Ireland, the Bank occupies a unique position in Irish banking history. At the core of the modern-day group is the old Bank of Ireland, the ancient institution established by Royal Charter in 1783.


Bank Official Website:

Bank Customer Service Telephone:
• 1+0818 365 365

Bank Routing Number:

Bank Swift Number:

Online Banking Mobile Apps:

Branch Locator:
Branch Finder Link


Bank of Ireland Online Banking Login


Step 1 – Go to – once you arrive at the home page click on the “Login to 365 Online” link toward the top of the page. This link will take you to the “Secure Login” page. Enter you User ID and the last 4 digits of your contact number or date of birth. Click “Continue”



Step 2 – Once you’ve entered your credentials and continued on to the next page you will be logged in to your account where you will be able to do your banking business.

Forgotten Password – If you’ve forgotten your login credentials, go to the This Forgotten Details Page to access instructions with regard to recovering your credentials. Once you’ve contacted the bank and have had your credentials restored, you will regain access to your account and resume your banking activities.


Step 1 – If you’re prepared to register for Online Banking services, begin by going to This Page – Once you’ve arrived to the activation page, you have the option of calling the “activation team” at 1+890-365-500 from 8am to 5pm EST or you may apply online by going to the Online Application Form and registering your account online. Provide the following information:

  • Your account type (select from the drop down box)
  • Account number
  • Branch name (select from the drop down box)
  • National Sort Code
  • Your title (select from the drop down box)
  • First name
  • Last name or Surname
  • Main phone number with area code
  • Work phone with area code
  • Mobile phone with area code
  • Account holder’s date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy format

Before you will be allowed to acquire an online account, you will have to review the “Bank of Irelands 365 online and phone Terms and Conditions of use.” Once you have reviewed the terms, you must click the acknowledgement box and click “Submit” to proceed with the continuation of your registration. You will be prompted, privately, through the remainder of your registration


Step 2 – As soon as your registration has been completed and accepted, you will be able to login to your Online Banking services